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PDF 2023 12 monthly templates for intuitive daily stitching


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You are purchasing a PDF document which you will be able to download after purchase. The file size is approximately 3 MB, so please make sure that you have space to receive it before placing an order. I would advise against trying to download the templates on a phone or tablet - for best results please download to a laptop, Mac, or desktop computer.

After purchase, you will receive an email from Pulley, the automated service that provides a link that takes you to where you can download the PDF. The email will go to the address that you used to place the order, so please check any alternative addresses that you use. Please check your junk or spam folder as the email can sometimes end up there.

Please SAVE THE PDF to your device before attempting to print it. You can only download it twice, so if you try to print an unsaved document and the print fails, you may then lose access to the PDF. If you save it first, you can consult and print it infinitely. If you have problems accessing the PDF, please contact me so that I can email it to you.


This is a 16-page A4-size PDF containing all twelve monthly templates, plus 4 pages of notes and photographs covering how to use the templates, how to transfer the designs to your fabric, and some very brief suggestions for stitching.

The templates are as follows:
January - 31-block grid
February - 28 pebbles
March - 31 windows
April - 30 circles
May - 31 rectangles and circles
June - 30 lines
July - 31 flower shapes
August - whole page diamond patchwork-style design
September - 30 fruit/berry shapes
October - 31 falling leaves
November - 30-block square/rectangular grid
December - 31 stars

The templates are designed to be printed on A4 paper, or 8.5” x 11” letter paper; the design area measures about 7.5” x 9.5” (approximately 19cm x 24.5cm). Orientation is portrait, rather than landscape, but the templates would work equally well in landscape orientation if that’s what you prefer.

Please note, I do not explain in this document how to work the stitches, nor do I tell you what stitches to use. This is a template, not a kit. If you are an absolute beginner and need to know how to do (for example) running stitch or couching, you will first need to refer to one of the many embroidery books or online videos and tutorials that talk you through getting started. You might also consider signing up for my online course, Intuitive Daily Stitching, which demonstrates several basic stitch types that you can practise and has information on choosing fabric and thread, and on maintaining a mindful daily stitch practice. Please visit my blog (stitchinglife.uk) and see the links page for more information about that.

These templates are different from those in my 2022 stitch journal PDF, so if you have already purchased that, these templates will still offer variety.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION for customers outside the UK:

When paying by card, please try and remember your purchase when your bank statement arrives. The amount will look different because of the currency conversion. If you initiate a dispute with your bank because you don’t recognise the amount, I have to prove to your bank that you did make the purchase, and I am charged a non-refundable fee even if the purchase was genuine. Please contact me before initiating a dispute if you are in any doubt about your purchase.

Please let me know (before purchasing this PDF) if you have any questions.


  • 120 in stock